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Leadership Dialogue

Navigating the Polycrisis

Type: Leadership Dialogue
Speaker(s): Herman Wijffels
Date / Time: 21 June 2023 17:00 : 21:00
Venue: De Veranda Amsterdam

It is time to envision how human behaviour will change the coming years now that society is hit by a 'polycrisis'. Several crises are striking us simultaneously: climate, nitrogen, supply chains, war, geopolitical tensions, polarization, etc. They shake up society and rattle our mental wellbeing. What kind of leadership is needed to navigate these crises and build back better? We will contemplate these challenges with Herman Wijffels, Professor Emeritus at Utrecht University and a former CEO of Rabobank, Chairman of SER, and much more. After his introduction participants will engage into moderated Roundtables to discuss their own behavior in dealing with the polycrisis.

  • Herman Wijffels

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