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Leadership Dialogue

Creating Value Throughout the Net Zero Transition

Type: Leadership Dialogue
Speaker(s): Paul Bogers, Fred van Beuningen
Date / Time: 13 April 2023 17:00 : 21:00
Venue: De Kazerne Eindhoven

Making money in the net zero trend has not always been easy. Financial returns tended to be lower than for traditional investments, sometimes even lower than the cost of capital or at least more uncertain as regulations are in flux. In this ELP Leadership we will discuss business opportunities of solutions for the climate crisis. The topic will be introduced by a panel of Fred van Beuningen and Paul Bogers. Fred is Managing Partner of Chrysalix, a global venture capital firm with a climate and resource productivity focus, Paul is Vice-President Hydrogen at Shell. After their introduction participants will engage into Roundtable Dialogues about their own approaches to the climate crisis.

  • Paul Bogers
  • Fred van Beuningen

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