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Leadership Dialogue

State of the Union

Type: Leadership Dialogue
Speaker(s): Hans Wijers, Karen van Oudenhoven
Date / Time: 14 December 2023 17:00 : 21:00
Venue: Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst

How should we perceive the current situation and the future of The Netherlands? Should we be worried or happy with the state of its education, infrastructure, financials, technological development, its attitude towards refugees, its governance, and its place in Europe and the world? Which new government will be formed after the elections in November and what will its major tasks be? Two experts, Karen van Oudenhoven and Hans Wijers, will judge how we are doing, what the future might bring and which actions from whom are required. Karen van Oudenhoven is Director of the Dutch Social and Cultural Planning Agency, Hans Wijers is the former CEO of AkzoNobel, former Chairman of ING and former Minister of Economic Affairs, amongst others. After their plenary introduction participants will engage into moderated Roundtable Dialogues to discuss their view on the current situation and the future of The Netherlands and if, and how, they can contribute.

  • Hans Wijers
  • Karen van Oudenhoven

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