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ELP Conference

Leadership For a Better World

Type: ELP Conference
Speaker(s): Veronique Swinkels, Jaap Winter, Michelle van Tongerloo, Willem Swager, Saskia Mureau
Date / Time: 03 October 2024 15:00 : 21:15
Venue: JoyJoyJoy Basilika

Major social issues need a new institutional arrangement in which all sectors including politics, business, civil society and concerned citizens act together to bring about change. Individual actors cannot do it alone; they need to work with others in coalitions of the willing to make lasting changes. In today's polarized climate, it is almost impossible to imagine that such an arrangement can come about and yet it will have to; if everyone puts their own stone in the river, eventually the course can shift. In the ELP Annual Leadership Conference 2024 participants will jointly create awareness of how their leadership can contribute to a better world and develop actionable ideas. As always the ELP Conference is a mix of inspiring keynotes, in-depth moderated Dialogues and high-level networking. For information about speakers and program, go to leadershipconference.eu.

  • Veronique Swinkels
  • Jaap Winter
  • Michelle van Tongerloo
  • Willem Swager
  • Saskia Mureau

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