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Online Leadership Dialogue

The Leadership We Need For the World We Want

Type: Online Leadership Dialogue
Speaker(s): Mark Vernooij
Date / Time: 01 February 2024 17:00 : 18:30
Venue: Online

THNK School of Leadership believes in leaders who understand themselves and others deeply, and who can use their heart as a compass to guide their actions. Mark Vernooij will elaborate on the kind of leadership that is necessary in his view to build a better world. Mark is a Partner at THNK with a focus on custom programs in the fields of transformation, culture change, innovation and creative leadership. He has been teaching at various schools including Berkeley, Columbia, Stanford and Wharton and is a member of the expert network at the World Economic Forum. He annually participates in the Burning Man-festival, which might also be an inspiration for leadership.

  • Mark Vernooij

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