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Leadership Dialogue

Feeding the Future

Type: Leadership Dialogue
Speaker(s): Fulco van Lede
Date / Time: 27 June 2024 17:00 : 21:00
Venue: De Veranda Amsterdam

Feeding the world without ruining the planet. That is the main challenge of Nutreco. Nutreco is a leading animal nutrition company that helps its customers to produce more feed in a sustainable way. To feed the global population in 2050, the food supply needs to increase with 70 percent. To do this in a sustainable way requires the production of protein from more, and more varied sources – animals, plant-based and produced in labs. Nutreco has revenues of over €7bln and over 10,000 employees and is an operating company of SHV. In this ELP Leadership Dialogue, Fulco van Lede, CEO of Nutreco, will share how they address their main challenges. After his introduction participants will engage into moderated Roundtable Dialogues.

  • Fulco van Lede

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