We think that our perception is a reflection of reality, but in fact our reality is a reflection of our perception. Everything we do is shaped by our perception, from mundane daily activities to the most important decisions. Most of the time we are completely unaware of our perception. As long as we’re unaware, our perception is in control. In this ELP Leadership Dialogue Linda Guijt, author of the book Perception; surprising insights to get the most out of yourself will show how to take back control. She will present the concept of perceptual intelligence: being able to shape the most positive and fruitful perception given the circumstances; perceptual intelligence equips leaders to thrive in a complex environment. Linda is the founder of MoonRabbit and a former cybersecurity consultant and police detective. After her introduction participants will engage into moderated breakouts, where they’ll discuss how underlying assumptions and entrained patterns chain them to the status quo and prevent themselves,and their organizations from achieving the best results.