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Inequality Is Not a Bad Thing – ELP Survey (2)

October 23, 2018 by

Differences in income and wealth should be narrowed but they are not bad in themselves. Income inequality is a fact of life and there is a reason that it exists. That is the outcome of a survey that the European Leadership Platform conducted in October 2018 amongst business leaders in the Netherlands with a relation to ELP. 57.1 Per cent of the respondents agreed with the statement that inequality is a problem to be solved, while 42.9 per cent agreed that inequality is a fact of life.
Business leaders think that the large and even increasing income gap is a problem. “We need to work on it to reduce it to acceptable boundaries, so societies become inclusive and caring.” Some added comments about the lack of social mobility in many societies and even the end of the American dream.
But leaders also think that inequality has a function: “Inequality to some extent is necessary to distinguish performance” or “Incomes will never be the same, since competition is needed to improve”.